Agatti Airport

A runway in the middle of turquoise ocean water – this is what Agatti Airport in India looks like seen through an airplane’s windows. Although it is a breathtaking view for passengers, pilots do not find landing there very easy. The runway is just 1204 meters long and 30 meters wide. The airport occupies 18,56 ha and is surrounded by sand beaches from both sides.

Where exactly is this heaven on earth with such a dreadfully dangerous airport? Agatti is an island which is a part of Lakshadweep Archipelago, on the East Coast of India. This is one of the ten inhabited islands there. It is about 7,6 kilometers long and just 0,85 kilometer wide. Around 8 thousand people inhabit Agatti. The island is located 459 kilometers from the land. A ship can go that far in 24h. An airplane, however, makes it in just 75 minutes. Every day, except for Sundays, there are flights to and from Koczin. This is a city in the southern India, in the Kerala state.